Page 18 - CooperatorNews South Florida Expo 2021
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18 COOPERATORNEWS SOUTH FLORIDA   —EXPO 2021  SOFL.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  $AVE, $AVE, $AVE   Our customers enjoy reduced natural gas expenses every month.   Join them and start saving today.  1  3  BUDGET CERTAINTY  Protect yourself against market volatility with pricing plan options   that allow you to build a better budget for your property.  5  ONLY FLORIDA  We’re based in Florida, only do business in Florida, and only serve   Florida businesses.  4  FREE UTILITY REVIEW  Receive a complimentary review of your condo association’s utility   bills. We’ll show you where to save even more money.  2  TRACK & REPORT $AVINGS  Our savings comparison reports show you how much you are   saving each and every month versus the local utility!  Email to save:  Pauline Lubie:  Anchy Goldglanz:  Call to save:  954-280-5358   Stop by booth 434 on December 9, 2021 and enter our   raffle for your chance to win a $250 gift card!  MANAGEMENT  For nearly two years now, the pan-  demic has dominated just about every  of helping to reduce the spread of CO-  corner of multifamily community man-  agement—particularly when it comes to   indoor air quality, circulation, and filtra-  tion. But even before anyone had ever  ney specializing in community law and a   heard of COVID-19, pet dander, pollen,  partner at the law firm of Marcus Errico   smoke, cleaning and pest control chemi-  cals, mold, and other allergens had the  sachusetts, “Multiple chemical sensitiv-  capacity to make life miserable for resi-  dents and staff sensitive to such irritants.   When  those  issues  arise  in  a  single-  family home, the solution is clear: re-  home the cat, remove the plant or bush,  refer to as ‘environmental illnesses’ are   kick the habit, and use gentler, more hy-  poallergenic  products  for cleaning  and  a disability under HUD—and that’s the   exterminating. In a multifamily residen-  tial community such as a co-op or con-  dominium, however, eliminating those  HUD rules apply nationwide. States may   irritants can be more difficult. The pet  expand upon them, but not diminish   may belong to your neighbor; the land-  scaping choices may not be your domain;   and the chemicals used by the extermi-  nator may be out of your control.  But difficult or not, condo and co-op  Act (ADA), explains Mark Hakim, of   boards have just as much responsibil-  ity to address—and ameliorate, if at all  Schwartz, Sladkus, Reich, Greenberg &   possible—residents’ environmental sen-  sitivities as they do a person’s need for  Act, as amended from time to time, is a   a wheelchair ramp or large-print meet-  ing  minutes.  And  these  days,  with  the  disabilities,” he says. “Under the ADA, a   pandemic dragging on as we head into  person with a disability is someone who   months of colder temperatures and in-  creased holiday traffic in common areas,  seriously limits one or more major life   keeping the air in your building or HOA  activities, or who is regarded as having   as clean as possible has the added benefit   VID and other illnesses.   Is Sensitivity a Disability?  According to Ellen Shapiro, an attor-  Emmer & Brooks, PC, in Braintree, Mas-  ity in itself is considered a disability. The   Department of Housing and Urban De-  velopment (HUD) administers all these   issues. Their that what they   legitimate conditions. The definition of   definition we use—is a condition that   substantially limits a major life activity.   them.”  The legal framework under which we   consider disabilities is further defined   under the Americans with Disabilities   counsel at New York-based law firm   Atlas. “The Americans with Disabilities   federal law protecting those with legal   has a physical or mental impairment that   Environmental Irritants  Managing Allergens & Indoor Air Quality  BY A J SIDRANSKY  See us at Booth 434  See us at Booth 530

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