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SOFL.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  COOPERATORNEWS SOUTH FLORIDA —  EXPO 2021    19  such impairments. \[It\] includes impair-  ment that substantially limits one or more  ates, located in Wykoff , New Jersey, “If   of a person’s major life activities such as  someone is aff ected in their unit by con-  breathing, seeing, hearing, walking, sit-  ting, standing, sleeping, caring for your-  self,  lift ing,  or  learning.  It also requires  If a resident is experiencing health eff ects   having a record of an impairment and/or  from someone else’s smoking, “the smoke   being regarded as having an impairment.  is obviously traveling through limited   Asthma and allergies are generally consid-  ered disabilities under the ADA. Respira-  tory and other conditions caused or exac-  erbated by smoke and chemicals may also  rimonious litigation.   constitute a disability under the ADA.”  Lisa Magill, an attorney with Kaye  Jersey condominiums, there’s a state legal   Bender Rembaum in Pompano Beach,  requirement that residents be off ered al-  points out that the criteria for designating  ternative dispute resolution (ADR) to re-  an impairment are “very subjective, as it’s  solve confl icts \[before litigation is permit-  defi ned by a medical professional of the  ted to move forward\]. Simply, if there is a   person seeking redress.” Th  is subjectivity  dispute between unit owners, or an owner   can put a great deal of uncertainty on the  and the association, the association must   co-op or condo association dealing with  provide ADR mechanisms to resolve the   an issue of environmental sensitivity.   Key among the considerations to be  in the loop.”  taken into account if a resident is re-  questing accommodations to address an  sue of an allergen or other environmental   environment-sensitive health condition is  irritant comes down to a matter of who   whether or not what they’re asking for can  has jurisdiction over the means by which   be considered “reasonable” under the law.  the irritant is being transmitted through-  Sima Kirsch, a community law attorney  out the building. “It can be a question,”   located in Chicago, Illinois, observes that  she says, “of whether the association man-  “although the special accommodation re-  quested must help the owner overcome  does. Can they put in fi lters? \[Th  e board’s\]   the limitations that arise when one or  best course of action is to take whatever   more of their signifi cant life functions are  action they can within their power; what-  impacted, the request will unfortunately  ever is beyond the capacity of the associa-  not be considered reasonable if the appli-  cation imposes undue fi nancial burden on  involved in the confl ict to be worked out   the HOA.  “Nevertheless,” she continues, “if there   is no impact on the association or others,   it would be discriminatory if the HOA re-  fused to allow the owner to perform mod-  ifi cations \[or other preventive measures\]  animal friends can be the source of much   at  that owner’s cost. If  modifi cations  are  sniffl  ing and teary eyes, or may even ag-  needed for a resident to fully use and en-  joy their premises…it’s best for the board  ma or emphysema. Obviously, people with   to permit \[the alterations\].”  Smoke  Secondhand cigarette smoke is a  their unit—but what about residents with   known health hazard and has become a  the most severe sensitivities, for whom   major issue in both residential and com-  mercial  settings.  Smoking  is  banned  in  ing into their unit through the HVAC sys-  many public and semi-public places by lo-  cal ordinance, and in the governing docu-  ments of many condominium and coop-  erative communities, smoking is banned  isn’t an option—at least not in buildings   in public or common areas. In New York  or HOAs whose governing documents al-  City,  for  example,  a  local  ordinance  was  low pets. Speaking of her own state, Ma-  recently enacted requiring all residential  gill says, “If you don’t have a restriction in   buildings—condo, co-op, or rental—to  your documents that prohibits pets, then   post  a property-wide smoking policy.  under the Florida State Condominium   In  Massachusetts,  according  to Shapiro,  Law, you have no right to tell anyone to   while smoking is prohibited in common  get rid of their pets.” Th  at said, however,   areas in most associations, it is still per-  mitted in individual units.  According to Scott Piekarsky, an attor-  ney and principal at Piekarsky & Associ-  duct in another unit, then for good or bad,   that problem is the association’s problem.”   common elements—which the associa-  tion is responsible for,” says Piekarsky, “so   they’ve got to address it” or risk costly, ac-  “Furthermore,” says Piekarsky, “in New   dispute. Automatically, the association is   Shapiro points out that resolving the is-  ages the HVAC system—which typically it   tion to do must be sent back to the owners   between them.”   Pets  For many residents, pets are an impor-  tant part of their lives, whether it be a dog,   cat, or goldfi sh. For others, neighbors’   gravate more serious conditions, like asth-  allergies or sensitivities to dander and pet   hair can simply opt not to keep animals in   even a little bit of pet dander or odor waft -  tem can be a cause big problems?  Ordering pet owners to give up their   furry or feathered family members clearly   “Th  e association does have an obligation   to make an accommodation—or even al-  continued on page 26  O&S Provides Accurate, Professional   Engineering Services for HOAs,   Condominiums, and Other High-Rise   Buildings.  40-Y  EAR   C  ERTIFICATION   &  50-Y  EAR   R  ECERTIFICATION  2500 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 212   Hollywood, FL 33020  (305) 676-9888  Structural • MEP • Architecture  Restoration  See us at Booth 509  Sachs Sax Caplan, P.L. offers effective legal and business solutions   to individuals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, government   agencies and community associations. We have built a significant   presence in Florida through dedicated, active involvement and leadership   in the professional, legislative and civic communities. Sachs Sax Caplan,   P.L. is rated AV® by Martindale-Hubbell®, the highest peer review rating   attainable, awarded to only one percent of law firms reviewed.                561-994-4499  Sachs Sax Caplan, P.L. | 6111 Broken Sound Parkway NW | Suite 200  Boca Raton, Florida 33487  See us at Booth 333

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