Page 6 - CooperatorNews South Florida Expo 2021
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6 COOPERATORNEWS SOUTH FLORIDA   —EXPO 2021  SOFL.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  GYM FLOORING FOR IMPACT AND   ACOUSTICAL SOLUTIONS  For over 30 years, Specialized Fitness Resources   has supplied sports fl ooring to all major fitness   centers, condominiums, hotels, and clubhouses.  • Sound reduction fl ooring  • Turf  • Aerobics yoga fl ooring  • Kids fl ooring  • Acoustical underlayment  • All types of specialty fl ooring  • Licensed & insured  • 30 years experience  SPECIALIZED FITNESS RESOURCES  1529 Northwest 89th Court  Doral, FL 33172  (305) 752-0451  888-503-5251  For  building  owners  and  property   managers who may soon  be  facing the  tect people from possible building fail-  40-year  building  recertification  process  ures.    in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties,   Benjamin Franklin’s advice on prevention  ers  should  consult  with  structural  engi-  is fitting.   The 40-year Building Safety Inspec-  tion Program was created in 2005 and has  of age. When it comes time for a 40-year   become effective throughout Broward  property assessment, the property owner   County since January 2006. It’s modeled  will receive a notice that an inspection is   after Miami-Dade County’s program,  due. At that point, the property owner will   which is now more than 30 years old. Bro-  ward’s  program  calls  for  structural  and  to complete an inspection of the building   electrical safety inspections for buildings  and submit a report to either the city or   40 years old or older and every 10 years  the county. The report will indicate what   thereafter. One- and two-family dwell-  ings, U.S. and State of Florida government  repaired or replaced. The property owner   buildings, schools under the jurisdiction  will then have another 180 days to com-  of the B.C. School Board, and buildings  plete the necessary repair work. Follow-  built  on  Native  American reservations  ing the completed repairs, the structural   are exempt. Under Section 8-11(f) of the  engineer will then prepare another report   Miami-Dade County code, Miami-Dade  verifying that the initial findings have   County exempts buildings under 2,000  been remedied.  square feet; the Broward County code   excludes all buildings under 3,500 square  pecially vulnerable because they are con-  feet.   These inspections are designed to pro-  Building owners and property manag-  neers to have a proper inspection com-  pleted as their building nears 40 years   have 90 days to find a structural engineer   parts of the building (if any) need to be   Buildings on or near the ocean are es-  stantly exposed to the increased effects of   40-Year Building    Inspections  Is Your Condo Ready?   BY BARNEY WEINKLE  MAINTENANCE  See us at Booth 305  See us at Booth 114, 215

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