Page 8 - CooperatorNews South Florida Expo 2021
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8 COOPERATORNEWS SOUTH FLORIDA   —EXPO 2021  SOFL.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  TRENDS  Is Your Home Safe And Sound?  LOWEST   PRICE  GUARANTEE  10%We’ll beat any written estimate by  • Impact Resistant  • Professionally Installed  • Energy Efficient  One of South Florida’s Leading Window and Door Companies  Be Prepared. Call Today!  561-241-WIND   (9463)  910 Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33487  *From a licensed Florida contractor written within 30 days of our estimate for the same   product, services and installation requirements.  Broward 07-G-14117X • Miami 08BS00347 • Palm Beach U-20404  Whether you live in a suburb or in the  the pandemic hit.   heart of the city, life is expensive—and   these days, with infl ation on the rise and  shovel  snow,  scatter  salt,  and  do  a  score   so many reeling from the economic fallout  of other tasks made that much harder by   of the pandemic, it can seem like every  winter weather, Sunshine State staff  mem-  time you step out your door, a leak opens  bers deal with heat, humidity, and the oc-  up in your wallet and money just starts  casional hurricane—maybe they’ve even   trickling out. In addition to higher prices  had to deal with a gator in the swimming   overall, tip jars are everywhere this time of  pool. Regardless of the temperature, door-  year, sometimes decorated with winsome  men and lobby attendants wait patiently,   appeals for change, and sometimes just sit-  ting there expectantly, waiting for you to  or sign for your Amazon (and FedEx, and   pony up.   Th  e holiday season compounds the is-  sue: there are gift s to be bought, travel to  year, it’s not only customary to show your   be booked, gatherings to attend, relatives  appreciation for the work your building   to deal with… and of course this year  or association staff  does for you and your   marks COVID Holidays: Season 2, which  neighbors—it’s just plain good manners.  only adds to the anxiety that many of us   already feel when we try to fi gure out what   kind of tip to give the people who make  Opening the door and helping residents   our everyday life a little easier: our build-  ing and HOA staff .   Building superintendents, chief engi-  neers, maintenance persons, and handy-  men oft en fi nd themselves under sinks or  lance is actually an acronym for “To Insure   in dark basements at odd hours, patching  Prompt Service,” and the list of people who   leaky pipes or coaxing temperamental wa-  ter heaters back to life. Clearly, a reward  nail salon workers, bellhops, cab drivers,   for work well done is a welcome gift , es-  pecially at this time of year, and especially  bartenders, and of course, restaurant wait   considering all the stress, additional du-  ties, and staffi  ng shortages many building   and HOA workers have experienced since   While building staff  in colder climates   ready to help you with your shopping bags   DHL, and DoorDash, and GoPuff , and...  you get the idea) deliveries. At this time of   Why Tip?  “But,” you  may ask,  “why tip at  all?   out is the doorman’s job—he or she gets   a salary already.” A good point,  and one   that bears closer examination. In North   America, the word “TIPS” in modern par-  are commonly tipped includes hair and   newspaper delivery people, porters, valets,   staff .  Recognizing Your Staff  With the advent of modern multifamily   Holiday Tipping   Etiquette  Who Gets How Much?   BY COOPER SMITH   See us at Booth 208  Several Locations To Serve All The Legal Needs Of Your Association  Email:  Responsive. Reliable. Results.  The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.  Before you decide, ask us to send you FREE written information about our qualifications and experience.  9121 North Military Trail, Suite 200 | Palm Beach Gardens, FL. 33410 | 561.241.4462  1200 Park Central Blvd. South | Pompano Beach, FL. 33064 | 954.928.0680  1211 N. Westshore Blvd. Suite 409 | Tampa, FL. 33607 | 813.419.0819  Miami-Dade locations by appointment. Reach all offices at 800.974.0680  Dedicated to the representation of community  associations throughout Florida  Kaye Bender Rembaum, a seven-time Diamond Winner from the FLCAJ for Best  Law Firm, is a full service law firm led by a team of experienced attorneys,  several of whom are Board Certified Specialists in Condominium and Planned  Development Law. Some of our services and resources include:  ●  Assessment Collections  ●  Contract Negotiation  ●  Document Review  ●  Covenant Amendments  ●  Covenant Enforcement  ●  Construction Defects  ●  Fair Housing  ●  General Litigation  ●  FREE   Seminars  ●  FREE   Education  ●  FREE   online resources  including  Rembaum’s  Association Roundup  ,  Legal Morsels  , Webinars  ●  FREE   Video Resources  ●  Monthly   radio shows  See us at Booth 517

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