More Than Just Monkey Bars Next-Generation Play Equipment

More Than Just Monkey Bars

 Often when we think of the “good old days,” thoughts of a time before cell phones, Facebook and GPS come to mind, when kids  played in public parks stocked with swing sets, monkey bars and maybe (if you  were lucky) a basketball hoop and teeter-totter.  

 Time marches on however, and while there will likely always be a place in our  collective hearts for the classic playground swing set, we've come a long way  from the days of rusty swings with frayed canvas seats, splintered  teeter-totters and faded hopscotch courts. The shift from plain  metal-and-asphalt equipment to more colorful and exciting—and safer—equipment really began in the 1990s, and the field has been diversifying and  evolving ever since. Today, chances are good that if Sally knocks Johnny off  the monkey bars, those bars will be shaped like a DNA double-helix (or some  other fanciful shape), and Johnny will not fall onto concrete or pea-gravel,  but onto foam padding.  

 A New Age of Play

 According to Ryan Russell, president of Playmore Recreational Products & Services in Fort Myers, “Safety standards in the past 25 years have greatly influenced design of the  modern playground. Recently, a lot of manufacturers have began to look outside the box, and are  starting to come up with a lot of unique and interesting pieces that still  adhere to safety standards.”  

 Playgrounds began to change in the mid-80s, notes Russell. “The mid-1980’s is when composite structure playgrounds—a series of interconnected elevated decks with climbers and slides hanging off  them—appeared on the market,” added Moira Staggs of Illinois-based NuToys Leisure Products.  

 Prior to that, composite structures were often a combination of wood and metal  or plastic slides. Now people have many more options to create a design and color scheme that fits  the needs of the user group either by age, level of challenge, or type of  activities.  

 “Safety standards have become more robust and comprehensive over time,” Staggs continues. “Whereas guidelines used to be voluntary, now all playgrounds intended for public  use must follow the standards. The three main playground safety standards are  the Consumer Product Safety Commission Public Playground Safety Handbook and  the ASTM F1487 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for  Playground Equipment for Public Use, which cover the safety standards of types  of equipment and layout, and the ASTM F1292 Standard Specification for Impact  Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment which  covers the standards for safety surfacing. Over the years, these standards have  made playgrounds much safer for kids.”  

 There are really two users of playground equipment: the children scrambling over  the structures, and the parents or caregivers who want to make sure the  scrambling is as safe as possible. According to industry pros, there is a  definite split between what is popular among children versus what adults think  is fun and/or safe—and bridging that gap can be a big challenge for designers.  

 “Kids seem to always want to push the boundaries of safety more than most  parents, and they always seem to find a way to have fun no matter what,” says Russell. “Parents can be funny, and I try not to judge how they feel about safety. I can  install two similar pieces of playground equipment, and one set of parents will  have complaints about perceived danger, and the other set of parents will  complain that it’s too easy or boring.”  

 “When it comes to what parents think is fun AND safe, it can be a tricky balance,” concurs Staggs. “Some cautious parents would prefer a very safe playground with low elevations  and limited challenge. However, in our experience, if you don’t provide enough challenge for kids in the playground, they will find ways to  challenge themselves. Often that means using equipment in ways it was not  intended, such as climbing onto the roof, or traversing the tunnel bridge on  the top like a balance beam. The key is to design enough age and developmentally-appropriate challenge into  the playground to keep kids engaged and keep the playground fun over time.”  

 Taking into account the propensity of a child to climb and jump, equipment  manufacturers have made amazing advances in how kids’s play equipment is made and installed.  

 “Much of the danger has been taken out over the last 20 years since resilient  surfacing became the norm and high-injury elements have been minimized,” according to John McConkey, market insights manager with Landscape Structures  in Delano, Minnesota. “Kids like to climb and ride, and they naturally seek a challenge. Some of the  most popular items include net climbers, roller slides, spinners, track rides,  and climbing walls.”  

 Equipment today is made to be extremely durable and often is made with recycled  materials, the experts say. Moving parts are engineered so that they are  allowed to last and allows kids to have more fun, interest, and challenge on  playgrounds. Some custom options may include steel-reinforced cable climbers, custom  graphics, or glass fiber-reinforced concrete that can be molded to look like a  tree, or other nature inspired element. Lots of different materials are  available, however per the standards they must be durable, safe and easily  maintained.  

 “The older wood and galvanized steel equipment has now be replaced with materials  such as coated steel decks, powder-coated steel and aluminum posts and  rotationally molded plastics,” says Staggs. “These materials have made playground equipment production more standardized,  which has increased its quality and consistency, which in turn has made it  easier to install. The whole process has become more standardized and that  ultimately translates to safety.”  

 A Community Project

 If a homeowner association or condo board is planning to install new equipment,  or to construct a play area from scratch, there are a few steps to take. Staggs  suggests, “The first step is to form a committee that can address the main issues (raising  funds, assessing the community and user needs, manage the timeline, identifying  space, etc.). It is best to assign responsibilities and set a schedule so the  project moves forward on a timeline.”  

 McConkey suggests that local playground equipment company representatives can be  a great resource. “A good representative is up to date on standards, products, budgeting, and  installation methods,” he says. “Your local parks department may be a good place to ask which firms offer the  best customer service over the long term.”  

 When choosing equipment for your building or community, safety is obviously of  paramount concern, but it’s also important to consider the ages of the children in the community. An  experienced vendor can also assist with making recommendations for equipment  and design. “Often the community can begin by identifying the ages of the children who will  use the equipment, space available, and budget,” says Staggs. “These will then help guide the dealer to make realistic recommendations.”  

 According to McConkey, condo and homeowner associations should keep in mind that  while manufacturers carry liability insurances, individual installers must be  certified, licensed and bonded. Russell adds that boards and managers should  also look for “companies that have a track record in manufacturing and supplying playground  equipment over an extended period of time. Like a lot of industries, companies come and go and you need to find someone  that will be around. Compare features and benefits such as durability,  warranty, innovation, value, service, and longevity,” he says.  

 Welcome to the Jungle-Gym

 If money is no object, some of the deluxe, high-end equipment available for playgrounds combine modern safety measures with wild imagination, as well as  some more familiar traditional themes. McConkey explains that some of these  items include “custom-designed equipment that can create a sense of place for the community by  emulating a historic event, cultural heritage or icon, or even a geological  formation unique to the region. Nature-inspired tree forts, concrete climbing  elements that emulate rock formations, there are lots of iconic theme elements  to choose from, such as trains, riverboats, bridges and buildings.”  

 Russell says the latest advancements include “rope play, theme play (ships, castles, jungles, etc), and anything that is  electronic.”  

 And if money is an object—and let's be honest, for most communities it definitely is—there are modular, customizable options that are much less expensive than the  top-shelf products, yet far safer and more fun than rustling up a bunch of  lumber and nails and building something by hand.  

 Appealing as a DIY-playground might sound to the handy-around-the-house board or  committee, Staggs and McConkey both advise against it. “It is not very advisable to just nail together some 2-x-4’s and let kids climb on them,” says Staggs. “That creates hazards in both the short and long term that may not be evident to  the well-meaning creators—things like entanglement hazards, head entrapment, structural failure, and pinch  points.”  

 “It’s not recommended for an owner to build from scratch,” concurs McConkey. “Often the material options don't meet the standards for durability and  maintainability.” However, that being said, communities can certainly hold a ‘Community Build’ in which they work with a manufacturer’s representative and certified installer will guide volunteers to construct the  playground [from purchased, prefabricated components.] These events can build community, instill ownership in the playground, and in  some cases save money on the overall project cost, he adds.  

 All of the experts stress the importance and value of a great playground. The “good old days” aren't a thing of the past. Even with the distractions of the Internet,  computer games and social networking, kids still need to be active and  physical. There is even a resurgence of interest in play equipment, as more  parents and communities encourage kids to get off the couch and onto their  feet.  

 “It is imperative that children still get out and play,” states McConkey.    

 Rebecca Fons is a Chicago-based freelance writer and a frequent contributor to  The South Florida Cooperator.  


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  • When choosing the idonor play equipment for your children, there are factors you have to take care of - their age group, preferences, space available, safety, maintenance etc. You have to give proper attention to all these factors before choosing the equipment to be installed. Discuss with your prospective suppliers on these points and find equipment which satisfy these conditions. Take due time before ordering your equipment to reach at the right decision.