Category: Insurance

Insurance Insuring Honesty and Integrity
2013 August Insuring Honesty and Integrity

Of the many thousands of dollars a large condominium, co-op, or homeowners association may spend each year on insurance, two policies that typically cost less than five percent of the total are two of the most vital: crime insurance (o…

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Insurance Keep it Above Board
2012 August Keep it Above Board

 When you serve on a board, sometimes you get a feeling of empowerment. After  all, you bear a great deal of responsibility for how well (or how poorly) your  building or HOA fares during your tenure. However, it’s important not to let tha…

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Insurance Under Your Wing
2012 August Under Your Wing

 Remember your first day at a new school? Most likely, you didn’t know a soul, had no idea what the students were learning and you probably felt  nervous, intimidated or maybe even afraid. In most cases, this is what it’s like to be a new …

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Insurance How Much is Enough?
2012 August How Much is Enough?

 Legendary funny man Benny Goodman once said, “I don’t want to tell you how much insurance I carry with the Prudential, but all I can  say is: when I go, they go too!” The comedian hits on all-important issue: how much insurance is too muc…

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Insurance Mind the Gap
2012 August Mind the Gap

 Insurance is designed to be there for us when we need it most. Without knowing  the full extent of our coverage, though, we may find ourselves with less  protection than we thought. For condominium owners, it is imperative to  understand …

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Insurance Bargain or Looming Disaster?
2012 August Bargain or Looming Disaster?

 Even if you aren’t a customer of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, if you live in Florida,  you’re still a 'citizen' of the state-owned insurance company. To repay the enormous  outlays for damage claims from past hurricanes, Citiz…

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Insurance A Mighty Wind
2011 July A Mighty Wind

With the last major hurricane to hit the state of Florida occurring back in 2005, it’s a somewhat natural phenomenon for Floridians to become more and more complacent with each passing “quiet” hurricane season. However, the recent spate…

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