Jena Ball couldn't sleep—the noise was deafening and keeping her awake night after night. The racket wasn't coming from the next door neighbors, but instead was emanating from inside her condo wall. "It was bizarre," says Ball. …

Jena Ball couldn't sleep—the noise was deafening and keeping her awake night after night. The racket wasn't coming from the next door neighbors, but instead was emanating from inside her condo wall. "It was bizarre," says Ball. …
Being “green” and recycling has been to many a beneficial trend nationwide in recent years. Logically, there is little push-back when the facts are presented. The U.S. is the number one trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 poun…
Q I live in a 3-floor, 4-room,30-unit condo, mostly 50-plus, with the only family with children (ages two and three) living on the third floor above me.For the past year there has been an excessive amount of constant running; playing on…
Q Please comment on the changing of the exterior portions of the condominium, i.e., walls, doors, windows and air conditioners. What is the responsibility of the management company and the owner? Can an owner be sued for installing a new…
When many people hear about Boca Raton their first images are that of happy senior citizens enjoying their twilight years playing shuffleboard, bingo and going to restaurants at 4:30 in the afternoon to enjoy the 'early-bird special.' …
When money is tight, consumers typically put away their credit cards and take stock—cutting out non-essentials, such as dining out and luxurious vacations—to make ends meet. Strapped homeowners will limit their funds to emergency repair…
“My refrigerator doesn’t keep the food cold.” “The child in the apartment above me screams and bangs the walls.” “Call the police. There’s a suspicious person walking through the community.” The foregoing lis…
When condo association budgets get tight, the logical approach is to cut spending wherever it will hurt the least. No board or property manager wants to reduce services or take away amenities, yet in the fallout from the Great Recessio…
With the last major hurricane to hit the state of Florida occurring back in 2005, it’s a somewhat natural phenomenon for Floridians to become more and more complacent with each passing “quiet” hurricane season. However, the recent spate…
Soaring 42 stories above South Pointe Park on Miami Beach, the Continuum on South Beach South Tower condominium offers commanding views of the Atlantic Ocean, the Port of Miami, and downtown Miami. The luxurious building, comp…