South Florida as a defined region stretches from Palm Beach County, playground of the rich and famous, through Broward County, home to Fort Lauderdale, to Dade County, home to Miami and Miami Beach. This tri-county, 100 mile stretch—The Fl…

South Florida as a defined region stretches from Palm Beach County, playground of the rich and famous, through Broward County, home to Fort Lauderdale, to Dade County, home to Miami and Miami Beach. This tri-county, 100 mile stretch—The Fl…
The old expression says, ‘put your best face forward,’ and a building façade is more than just the face it shows to the street—it’s a protective barrier against the elements and an integral part of any building’s structure. But just …
Remember the old Timex watch jingle, ‘it takes a licking and keeps on ticking’? The gist of the ad is that no matter what you threw at it, a Timex watch kept working. If you think about it, a building’s exterior is almost like a Time…
Any building in South Florida that is taller than, say, five stories usually has an elevator—and often, new buildings of even three stories have an elevator. If you live in a high rise co-op or condo building on Collins Avenue in Miami Bea…
Q A group of unit owners in my building formed a committee in reaction to some rules the board made. We’re worried we might get into a lawsuit with the board, and we want to know if the association’s insurance would cover us against this …