2014 February
Focus on... Board/Owner Relations

Owner Relations Howdy, Neighbor!
2014 February Howdy, Neighbor!

The word community, like many words in the English language, has more than one interpretation. A community can be identified as a geographical location—a physical infrastructure of streets, parks and buildings, defined by tangible brick an…

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Owner Relations Making the Switch
2014 February Making the Switch

The goal of any property developer is to sell units, but until that objective is reached, the developer assumes all the day-to-day responsibilities to ensure smooth operations and continued sales. This requires wearing many hats—manager, b…

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Owner Relations Board Owner Do’s and Don’ts
2014 February Board Owner Do’s and Don’ts

It only takes a few minutes of a web search to uncover the traits that make a successful person or business owner. For example, Entrepreneurmagazine’s Steven Key wrote the article, “5 Qualities of Successful Persons,” which included such t…

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Owner Relations Keeping Track of Paperwork
2014 February Keeping Track of Paperwork

While keeping the records of the association is not the most fascinating part of board membership, it is in some ways one of the most important. In fact, the flow of paperwork is the lifeblood of the community. The association’s decl…

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Q&A: Fairly Assessing Unit Owners
2014 February Q&A: Fairly Assessing Unit Owners

Q Is there a maximum amount that an assessment can be raised each year? What is the increase based on? —Fiscally Conservative A “Under Florida law, there is no maximum amount an assessment can be increased each year,” says attor…

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Q&A: Renting Out Excess Parking Spaces
2014 February Q&A: Renting Out Excess Parking Spaces

I just read the article about parking and our condo association actually has a surplus of parking spaces. We used to rent our excess spaces to people who do not reside in our building, but our management company advised us to discontinue th…

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