Being “green” and recycling has been to many a beneficial trend nationwide in recent years. Logically, there is little push-back when the facts are presented. The U.S. is the number one trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 poun…

Being “green” and recycling has been to many a beneficial trend nationwide in recent years. Logically, there is little push-back when the facts are presented. The U.S. is the number one trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 poun…
Jena Ball couldn't sleep—the noise was deafening and keeping her awake night after night. The racket wasn't coming from the next door neighbors, but instead was emanating from inside her condo wall. "It was bizarre," says Ball. …
The term Sick Building Syndrome was first used in the late 1970’s after a mysterious outbreak of pneumonia occurred among people attending an American Legion convention in a well known Philadelphia hotel. Thirty four deaths were reporte…
When you live in South Florida, you quickly understand the value of energy-efficient air conditioners; especially after you receive your first utility bill. But lowering those bills doesn’t have to come from simply shutting off the air …
Living in a condominium community means working together. Cooperation and a spirit of volunteerism are visible every day in community gatherings, board meetings, even in the scheduling of time on the tennis courts. The men and women wh…
Sue“ is a retired professional who is well-to-do, rarely eats at home and has lived in her condo for decades. While everything seems perfect from the outside, Sue is the keeper of a dirty little secret. When the unit above her…
It seems that nearly everything is going “green” these days. Whether it’s the special green issue of a popular consumer magazine, an advertisement for a fuel-efficient hybrid car or a push toward environmentally-friendly building materi…
One of the most apt descriptions of politics theorizes that it’s really all about who gets what, when, and how. With the 2010 elections having delivered Republicans supermajorities—veto proof power—in both of Florida’s Legislative chambe…
Miami Beach has been called the “American Riviera,” “America's Playground” and the “Billion Dollar Sandbar.” Rising along the Atlantic Ocean on a barrier island, Miami Beach is separated from the city of Miami by Biscayne Bay. The city o…
b>Q We are a group of majority unit owners in a condominium having problems removing the board of managers – who are not complying with the bylaws. We, as the majority owners, have signed a petition to vote them out. We did everything nec…
Q Can a condominium owner be elected president if they have a lien on their condo due to not paying some of their maintenance fees due to the condo?Is this a conflict of interest? —Concerned Condo Owner A “As a result …
Q When a management agent of a condominium receives a complaint from a homeowner about another homeowner, is management allowed to tell the homeowner the name of the complaint? Is this ethical and is there a real estate rule about how …